22-01-05 Sat

今日,我都係老鳳地幫o左佢地整左幾個website,不過其實d鬼妹都唔係禁差既,算吧la,之後幫Ben整左個雖然比我自己果個簡單,但我反而幾喜歡個design...so tired..成個上午就是禁過...

整website整到個PhotoShop shot shot 地....可能要re-install.lor ...慘! ..中搞到有少少近視tim..屎la屎la...唔得ga唔得ga!

had my hair cut.... really short.. my style ma~ o禁長做o麥 jac...博nun牙~

晚上去了FenSin家steam boat,7條友,算做ok la~,不過可能too tired + test on Monday + practicals on Tue + Pharm-placement on Wed + SJAL meeting on Wed + SJAL theatre duty on Thu + test again on Fri so i just don't bother I left with G at 10pm

阿妹打黎話佢果邊落雪和,take photo la~

mum called me about sister's half term....talk talk talk...

so tired ar.... hoo...use high speed to take a shower sin! and then sleep(0030)


21-01-05 Fri

o禁就一個星期la~快得很ar .....在我班一個我不嬲都睇好既中東頭巾妹Hafsa(回教)(都幾靚ga)......佢今日突然冇戴,露出她的秀秀長髮後 Wa !! 佢簡直係爆靚!!,你知la 回教妹都幾保守ga ma,平時佢用頭巾包住個頭我已堂堂望佢,但係我一直都唔知佢頭髮是甚麼樣子ga lei'',今日,我終於賞夢了!! 我真係冇唸過中東妹都可以o敢動人ga ~ 我現在白明佢y要戴頭巾了...原來是用來被桃花的啊!! 好彩開學冇耐我便識左佢,好野有得傾~ o現在我要把她放在女神第一位 hehe~....好動型的Rebecca(英國鬼妹)..sorry ar 妳去了第二位....不過...其實我係比較fancy好動型既女仔o既~因為我喜歡妳的主動....加上...我對濃w的女仔冇嘜感覺...所以Rebecca妳o係我心中的女神地位仍然是第一ga...算吧..有時女人過艷未必是好的...吃不到的Raisins是酸的??


無神神tin日要教幾個鬼妹整網頁....之前又話遲d先,好la等到最尾要交前先記得我,嘿!,唔好似住自己係鬼妹我就一定要幫妳先得ga~ 老鳳ar!

收到阿妹寄來的 "Twins Selection CD" la finally yeo.. thank you so much, many kissssssss



Happy ppp.... i can see all my fds again yeah~



Hey, Happy Birthday ar 文文~ wish u all the best la~

today is my last day of my holiday, soo good ar,` i can see my fds again la/` desperately want to see all of u again...Although some of few i don't quite sure what they call...

my flatmates finally put down the Dart-board in the common room, no longer to be targeted, cool~

today is my final holiday, yesterday i 've replied a very long email in Chinese....

From now on, i will only join one meeting perhaps go on a more duties per week for the St john Ambulance, right now, no more other extra time for it. I've counted one football duty will use up almost 6hrs(nearly the whole working day)...so i decided to take less football duties & head to theatre duties. Drama is more interesting than.....

Summary: Xmas Holiday

almost have done nothing ! only revised revised and revised and faced to the wall 玩自閉~ & eating cooking



Did almost nothing but still following my timetable, i'm trying to maintain it,,,won't give up!

HA~ Ben just called me wor from HK and is coming back on da 18th,, so happy la, so that i can still have a fd that come from the same place and study the same course... yeah! we shell go out to have a big dinner(let's say next week )... yes lor, don't give up easily ar at least finish the whole thing 1st! not just half way through.

looking for the coach ticket for my sister still~



Yes I can get up on time, good start let me follow my unique timetable sin~ yeah

nearly four days haven't used the internet.... actually still doesn't work....English crap

guess what was the shit thing last night, some of my flatmates came back at about 0200 & used knifes & forks to play Darts, okok, doesn't matter since those things are not mine & im not interested in it. However my room is next to the common room & the Dart is attached on the next side of my wall... Ridiculous thing is, my seat in my room is where the Dart position exactly is(behind me)... in the other word... I've been targeted!

i don't understand y Eng students in the Hall tend to steal everything in the street and then place them at home...such as street barriers, barrier lights and street notice stands etc.. my flatmates did the same thing

talking back to the eng crap... if the internet stil doesn't work after 1300, i will definitely put a shit into a technician's ears! so disappointed ar

Finally i can get through the Eng crap, without I put a shit into their ears, i think I may need to wait for few more days...

changed the music on this page,,,... i really want to find out the code which can play not just one song but all my favorties.





I've made myself a new new daily timetable, hopefully I can follow it until Easter la~




但我從不放棄,就好似自己plan了一條 "Dream Route" 一樣,如再機會我就會親身行一次,不論誰與同行

要幫阿妹買coach車票for her half term holiday.....不過都吾明Y吾搭火車,不過又不過試下其它o野都好,等第日佢可以冇禁怯

reorganized all the bg music & changed a more suitable song on my photopage : katie melua - the closest thing to crazy

Registerd a GB for my website la finally~ http://guestbook.com.tw/g4/gbook.php?applicant=kwanyip

Drop me a message la~



all flatmate have back here.... so noisy especially the Hi-Fi in next door and one of them always open his room door while listening his music......

I changed the music in my photowebsite again~ it's "MavisFan: Because" her new song, &also added a player control panal on there so that u can stop the music when u want!



already have two flatmates back here, and started to make noise....無奈...






悶到爆 lor~, 09:30 arrived Anfield for the 12:45 football duty.... luckily i went there with SoonYee and her fd by a Cab...otherwise i need to go by my own.... good wor Soonyee, double paid for the work today!.... And finally I met both Mandy & her bfd in Anfield FC... (not really met but saw him la) good da~

renew a song on my photo page

Faye - Miss You Night And day

new yr started! add oil ar myself, and U ar of cos'


31-12-2004 (Fri)

On 26/12, the tsunami caused by earthquake disaster in South Asia.... does it mean 有危必有機?希望war can really over.

自信、自我、自私,只差一線...其實都係睇你點睇o既 gei~
總之先做好本分! Target First!!(10-03)



I'm back!!

uploaded a MP3 : Utada Hikaru - Deep River

Bye Mandy~ & see u again on 01/01/05 in Anfield FC





If Cry, can make u feel better, then cry.

but don't try to forget, becos' that was ur time~!



is St John Ambulance Party, I made a dish of Pork Cocktail Sausages with Bacon rolled & Pineapple, spent 1:30 hrs to make ga~ .. After the party i went to Gary's flat with Accalia & Sophie, KTV, card games, wines etc.



Improved my photo webpage and uploaded some latest photos on there~

my x'mas H started la~ but most of my fds have gone back to HK or already left Liverpool, also my flat, no more flatmates until 08/01 2005.. so quiet... and so boring.

luckily, Mandy is still staying, so...eating, watch films and chatting.... and speak Cantonese!!! This is Life!

still writing X'mas cards, 03:00

佢依戀的東西和人可能比你想像的還多莫非就=no chances???
愛是觸不到的嗎? 更何況每個人也會留戀(回憶)曾經所愛的事和物,這是記憶,你是絕對無能力洗她的腦,那麼便由它寄宿lor~ 還好,因有它的存在,令她有一個比較(你與他)



This morning at 06:10 the sky was still dark and was about -2degreeC, i helped Ben and went to the train station. Ben, enjoy the time in HK!

Shopping in ASDA with Mandy this evening(3 hrs) and i bought almost everything (food) for my 5-week holidays, the longest receipt i have ever had.



Went out with Mandy & Ben to have a proper Chinese dinner again~ the same place as last time with FenZin, But this time is cheaper, only 7Queens@, and of course i have orderd my favorite "Stir Fried Chicken with Lemon and Honey Sauce( 西檸雞 )", and then we walked back to the Hall



FenZin, Ben and me went out for a proper Chinese dinner with tea, so many things were free lor we didn't order a set din we just order 3 dishes and a bowl of rice, but still had free big bowl of soup,big big dessert and fruits....for just 27Queens. Then Jason drived us back to the Hall with Kally's songs, thx

27 Queens X HK$14.9=HK$402.3

9 Queens each= ~HK$134

is still fine la~ in hk a proper meal may cost more or less the same, remember wor, twice a week or even longer wor~ we don't go out for great dinner very often.

I ate the most lor~ this time without Gerald



so many homeworkz and tests ar~... but no mood....




i really don't know should i say i am happy or unlucky, , happy: becos' this Anfield FC duty was which paul and kevin were going to watch, so we could meet in the field, and that was why i signed to take that,. Unlucky becos' I have received an email few days previously, saying that the no. of members was full, so i didn't need to go. ha,ok, i never mind lor, since i don't like football and know none of the stars, so put my homework on sunday lor,,, But then nearly the match time, my leader called me up lor. I was like, shit, how about my homework.... finally, i took that duty , took a taxi went there with Paul & Kev, took photos with uniform etc. I had a nice time with those ar, but also with my works lor, i slept at 03:00, and for the next day lecture is start from 09:00......ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz



Paul and Kevin cameover to Liverpool ar (to watch football)~ so happy and they stayed in my flat, we went out for a great Chinese buffet in China town 10Pounds each, so far so good la~and then we played XBox (i watch, they play) until 04:00.

how lucky they are today, in my flat there is only one more flatmate stayed in (totally we have 5 ppl and so noisy even at 03:00 sometimes, becos' the girls from next flat always get in to my flat and sing like crazy)



one of my best fds's Birthday, and I have invited him to sign up a "friendster" account~, but i should apologize that i wasn't in HK. Actually, im a bit sad that i couldn't attend Patty's and your's BirthdayP since 2000

ICQ info: 留戀....值得嗎......放開吧.....自由才是人生.......靚洢Y人都中意,但擁有是否就等如享受呢.....追求都係其次,適合的才能真正地享受...那麼....享受......



my 1st time to upload my re-newed webpages to my new website, my last website was created by FP with a free host, that one nearly four years la~ Although it looks very basic, a good start can make me never stop.. Compared to this one, actually both look almost the same format but i attempted Dreamweaver this time.... I've visited so many "top style" websites and those superior websites force me to improve mine, still learning the new components...

today is my birthday, from 09-10-04 through the night with moon beside and seeking for the sun to shine up...i've been creating my website since last night.... and now is nearly 5:40am....is time to sleep la~ improve it later soon

today i went to join the St John Ambulance, "dan doe"(one person) went there lor, spent 45mins to find out da place....

also, i signed up a friendster account, I know this website more than few yrs in fact, but I just didn't bother those invitations from my fds~

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