17-02-05 初九

after the 09:00 lab test, i went out for shopping with my sister...spent 48 pounds on food and i bought a DC bag 13.99 pounds(total spent 62 pounds x14=HKD868).....but the food is mainly for myself for the whole month..... and then we had dinner in my room and chatted for nearly 2 hrs..no actually whole day.. happy

Ben called me whole day but i didn't know..sorry


16-02-05 初八

St John Ambulance meeting

stretcher and carry chair demonstration


15-02-05 人日

靈魂出竅,你信嗎...其實都唔知好唔好係到講好...講左可能d人當我係有問題...但,我已覺得事太真實了..所以都係講,講完就算.一直幾年來也有這topic的問題(在hk都已試過,小時發燒時也試過),也worry自己是否有health問題,我也有把事件話比家人聽,但當然,連科學都explan唔到的東西爸媽也當我crazy la。body check後都好正常。昨晚的真實是前所未有....發夢/出竅;我是分得好清楚的...在清醒地入睡時冇耐,有一種力量似的物體集中在大腦頂的位置,然後就feel到自己好像在旋轉,轉得像失控,當然想佢停,所以我便用力淨開眼和坐起身...眼開了並坐了起身但看到的房間顏色比平時在黑夜看到的較光但乜有少少out fou...由於這已不是等一次,所以我便初試伸高自己對手看了看...點知看多兩看看穿了,並且feel到自己好似不需呼吸...乜feel到有點集中了的力能concentrate在兩邊的太陽穴...本來想看看body其它部份但一想到人不需呼吸是不可能ga ma~勁力大吸..突然feel到自己不受控地躺下...冇耐我便真的打開了眼,但發我對手還在被堙A跟本就冇伸過出來....整晚試左3次,都係坐起了身但之後都發現自己跟本冇move過...講完..

另外,有時入睡後竟聽到一些從未聽過的歌,就像作歌一樣,像在夢中把歌曲一段段作出來,但可借的是睡醒後只記得在睡夢中曾聽到d未聽過的歌...that's y I put a recorder under my pillow


14-02-05 初六 & Valentine day


今早與Cristin一起去了做experience placement,我約了她坐7:55am在舊車站等,點知我睡到7:45am....super high speed...8:05am...好彩立刻有車...


Peter call我話隻cd看不到...星期三帶laptop去SJA meeting

初三晚去左翠園食左11 pounds Malaysia night 搞的飯局...雖然d野食好一般...(比ChiSo. 的野食還差,in fact ChiSo個餐是最有過年feel,因為6 pounds only就有翅&龍蝦&湯圓etc 10碟)....然後初四大清早又做duty...(09:00-5:00中國新年同樂日...勁多鬼) 07:00am woke up, and then walked 40mins to the duty point,在場塈畯t責demonstrate CPR...吹左個doll廿幾次.....超tired after a shower...睡左一陣子後又到中國城又食又唱K....25人唱...分兩房(6 pounds per person)....好多人ar~13號踏正,Accalia生日正日..唱了生日歌 lor....又唱到 03:30am.....然後行番去Hall途中爆大風&凍&雨...行左30mins...05:00am先睡......一直到10:00am,約了Ben 11:00am陪我去換電話粒電,之後又到China Town 食左個Chinese Buffet (7 pounds)還合巧地觀看了祝節活動.....回家途中碰到Victor...20:00來到了,帶左好多野比我 include a new DC..Thank you very much and father and mother!

Edmund, China Town, Chinese Buffet


10-02-05 年初二

greeting for Po Po, she is getting better now! good news


Rachmaninov 柴可夫司基- Swan Lake



09-02-05 Wed 大年初一

Gung Hei Fat Choy !!

what else i did in these few days lei, let me go through all~... On Monday年廿九, i had a Chinese dinner gathering which held by Chinese So. and then sang K until 03:30 .... i was so sleepy and slept in the restaurant while the others were still singing like crazy. Good then back home and I thought i could sleep at once la, 04:30 already...but shit u know what? becos' i drank too much tea during the gathering.....ooa...my God!

Tue 年三十, i woke up with red eyes,,, tired..... 09:00-17:00 school time.......oooowwwZZz..... really want to sleep la afterward, however, my flatmates had a what i call Noisy Patty....and of course i didn't join ....the noise went though the whole moon night with me....until 08:30 this morning大年初一....(i couldn't sleep lor) and then i ran to the 09:00 lecture...again, none of my Chinese fds turned up...really had no mood......good da, finished lectures at 12:00 and then i went to a phonebox and called back home....and good news about my grandmum, she is getting better after the operation!!........SJA meeting at 17:00....

Kalvin called me tonight, chatted for a while!!

tomorrow theatre duty with Kin and Stella, and of course Peter and Victor!! 19:15 天鵝湖 Swan Lake, worth about 25 Pounds(HKD350)

Swan Lake - Ellen Kent & Ballet International Ltd

Swan Lake is one of the most successful and popular of ballets the world over. Classically staged and set against enchanting German fairytale castles, dense forests and moonlit lakes. It features Tchaikovskys hauntingly beautiful music, romantic tragedy, two great pas de deux and the dual role of Odette/Odil, made famous by Markova and Fonteyn makes this classical ballet a favourite for all ages


spectacular production?danced with panache?Sunday Times

Swan Lakes traditional denouement was altered by Stalin in Communist times when doctrine demanded a happy ending and the lovers lived happily ever after.. Ellen Kent took the initiative to correct this back to the original ending after receiving a letter from a 12 year old girl who expressed her sadness that the swans did not die!

This spectacular ballet is here played with the original choreography by Marius Petipa, by dancers from a leading theatre of the former Soviet Union, the Chisinau National Ballet. The companys leading dancers Nadezda Schepachiova, Maria Poliudova, Egor Schepachiov, Andrei Litvinov and Ghenadii Badica will be back after winning praise from the British press on earlier tours.


06-02-05 Sun 年廿八



今日收到兩個email,一個是Vito,一個是Gary團長; Vito果個是他剛剛去完童軍camp的photos,相埵麻瞻H也有新面孔,但最令我感安的是Kingfisher隊的全女兵(我也是從這隊訓練出來ga,雖然當年這隊有男有女),因為大部份現任深資和leaders都曾經在這隊受訓,可以話係the top patrol。 至於Gary個封就令我有少少失望,因為小豐提出要退團....他是我從Form one開始便一直帶住我的前輩(其實只大我一年),我既童軍回憶堸ㄓF九哥vito之外就是佢....若果上頭admit對我的心理和我對56th的睇法會有一定的影響&改觀.......因為我的例子與他相似...而且我在上年已提出同樣的要求...並已去信...但一直都未得到正視.....唔知呢.....但我對56th仍有留戀....可能都是那些我認為好的回憶瓜...

爸媽比我轉phone plan is a sign contact one~and so i will have a brand new handset for free with the plan la, tomorrow Ben will help me !



ppl are getting lazy la, Fensin, G and Ben tend not to attend lectures.... only El and I.... ..suddendy today lectures took register wor.... deid la ,, so I called Ben to come for the next lecture....but Fensin... didn't answer my phone ...i tried my best to save u but I can't at the end....sorry..,

football duty tomorrow... in fact i shouldn't take this duty, because i 've run out of time......next time i should say No.



Victor都黎左個duty ar.....Chinese Circus exciting la~however only about 200 audiences, not many...

after the duty, we went to China town for my 2nd dinner and Peter paid the bill, thanks Peter.

We,12 ppl have firmed to join the CS gathering night next Monday....



今日好tired ar.....早上番lecture0900,中以為d fds會番 la~點知7個人得番我....悶到爆...所以先坐前行扮學仔~

...終於都完成我這個作品並已送出了...無錯是Accalia的生日咭ar~是我第一次整o禁大張野ga...果d心係比每個SJA member 寫野ga......都整左成晚ga la''''..本來只打算買張咭然後簽下名...但係買左之後又覺得太單調..所以又買左d咭紙.....我諗佢會鐘意個 idea 瓜...

幾多$?...唉,講心意ga ma~ le d 野~ Ho

天晚又可以on duty la is theatre again... Stella & Kin 都會去...明晚7:15pm見la

The Chinese State Circus arrives with a brand new troupe of 30 of China's finest performers, most of which have never been seen in the UK before. There's & teetering tower of chairs with 7 performers balanced on top, also knotted contortionists, a dizzying succession of gymnasts catapulted from springboards and spiralling into the air, a breath taking ariel bungee routine, Guinness World Record holding 14 girls on one bicycle plus an extravagant, lusciously set and costumed performance of the Lion Dance.

"The most exhilarating Circus it has ever been my privilege to see" The Evening Standar



一大早睡醒我就如常炸歌(0800),然後食早餐lor~不過食之前去晒toilet...磅o左一下....my god!! 60.7kg(X2.2= 133.54 lbs)體重下降...點算好呢太廋唔得ga wor....之後check email and 回email....但出街買R前一刻,我收到一個朋友的email......"失戀"......我個心沉左一沉.......然後立刻回左個短mail......shopping時我不斷在想其實我應該要寫多d野......所以極速shopping後回去再寫多封中文......有一句我send左之後又覺得唔太對...

"等妳心情好 d 後,試下開始與他的其他男性朋友做普通朋友,等他能從他的朋友口中得到妳的近況,希望這能慢慢拉近番 la ( 其實男男的對話大都離不開女人 ) "


自信真係好緊要,所以妳都係快 d 復元好d~希望妳快 d 好番 la~

Eugenia突然call me...話明日有早課....點知原來是冇的.....嚇驚我

今日自己cook了意粉 with 雞mince....唔食牛mince是因為唔想個人o敢火...一烹就烹了兩餐,食完午餐d flatmates都未訓醒...我唔理la!再炸歌... 鬼叫佢地成日半夜先番...番到黎中要曹生哂..嘿..炸爆佢地...hahahahha...我好evil ar~ (不過已是兩點幾ga la wor...中訓....第炸la)


突然想起有一個人係情人節前一日生日ga wor....haaaa...你話有d咩好搞好呢hai? ar...諗到...hehehe,等我問下其他人好唔好先~



finish Lab so early today.... only 9am to 10past....

I thought I was going to see Shakespeare....but.....hahah..."The King and I"...so great!!!! 類似周潤發果套lei~



Today I went to the Arrowe Park Hospital with 3 other(Crustin、Miki and Ruth....all girls lor...) classmates for my 1st working practice placement...not bad only 3hrs...but just scared me, because too many new stuffs are needed for the cilinical works really... We walked into ward-23, and looked at some of the patient's med. histories...that's it, finish!... However I missed the SJA meeting again...(I thought I could attend since i didn't know how far is the hospital... but i know now... So far away that even i take a taxi and it would still take nearly 45mins so....) i didn't go there for 3 weeks since the end of my holiday... and I feel embarrassed especailly when I called my leader and said I couldn't come today...(but the thing is I told him last time that I could come today...)...Some of the SJA members haven't seen me for too long and may think I'm shit or dismissed or something....well whatever yea...tomorrow night, I will attend the theatre duty so....it's"Shakespeare 4kidz - the tempest"(to be honest, I'm not interested in this one)

Today i also reorganised my diary page as it is getting more and more things to write....

suddenly i have a test on Friday.... y they always inform us so late........ooo...never mind it's a open book test...

I m still thinking should I go for the theatre duty on this Sat... the last day Drama for "The King And I" ...Miki is going to see it tonight...and the ticket is cost about 25 Pounds(25X14HKD=336HKD)..so expensive... but if I go on that duty I can watch it for free... should I go or not lei???....still thinking lor

The time-honoured classic, THE KING AND I has delighted millions of theatre-goers over the years and this brand-new production and UK tour is poised to do so all over again. Featuring stunning sets and lavish costumes, THE KING AND I is a heart-warming and poignant story set to one of the most unforgettable scores ever written, which includes Shall We Dance?, I Whistle a Happy Tune, Hello Young Lovers, Getting To Know You and Something Wonderful.


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